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6 Most Common Risks When It Comes To Cyber Security

Written by Diana Hugh | Jul 10, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Cyber security, UK cybercrime, and global attacks are pressing issues for commercial firms and public organisations. But how does cybercrime manifest itself? And what are the typical risks that need to be managed? If you want to find out how to secure a business network and prevent cyber-attacks, read on...


Phishing involves sending communications which are designed to trick the recipient into believing they are from a reputable source, when in fact they aim to access sensitive data. The sender could be looking for login or credit card details - or in some cases, the objective is to install malware onto the machine of the recipient. A particularly insidious form of phishing known as ‘spear phishing’ involves targeting a specific individual with their name or other unique information; often easily obtained from company websites, LinkedIn or Facebook, these calculated attacks are especially effective because they appear to be from someone who knows you, so you are more likely to open their email.


Malware refers to malicious software, an umbrella term which can include various types of viruses, ransomware, spyware and worms. Malware is able to breach networks through weak spots after a user opens a dangerous email attachment or a misleading link. Depending on the type of malware, it could block network components, surreptitiously obtain information, install harmful software, delete files or disrupt parts of a network infrastructure.

Denial Of Service

Attacks known as 'denial of service' concern malicious attempts to flood networks, systems and servers with traffic, with the objective of exhausting resources. These attacks can be launched using multiple devices and can cause major disruption for the organisations targeted.

Man In The Middle

A man in the middle attack involves a covert interception of a two-party transaction. They are sometimes referred to as eavesdropping attacks. Attackers aim to interrupt the traffic, before filtering and stealing data. Entry points typically used for a man in the middle attack include malware, whereby an attacker uses the software installed to process information and relies on unsecure public WIFI that allows an attacker to come 'in between' the network and the device of a visitor.

Zero Day Exploit

These attacks take advantage of network vulnerability before a patch is identified and implemented. Attackers strike during this window of opportunity, which makes ongoing threat detection vital in how to secure a network from hackers.

SQL Injection

SQL, or Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attacks, involve a malicious code being inserted into a server that uses SQL. The purpose of the attack is to enable access to information which would usually be 'out of bounds'. SQL injection attackers can sometimes insert malicious code directly into the search box of a vulnerable website.

These are some of the cyber security risks that organisations must stay vigilant of in the digital era. Remember: carrying out risk assessments can be crucial in identifying network security weak spots and preventing cyber security attacks. User One are able to help you deploy safeguards and counteractive measures to mitigate these risks and help keep your network safe.

Image Source - Pixabay